Shake Up Your Routine: Try Something New!

Reduce food waste.

How many times have you bought home fresh fruit, veggies and herbs only to find them wilting in the back of the produce drawer days later? I’ve personally been there and it’s heartbreaking. Considering that the USDA estimates 30 to 40% of the food supply is lost to food waste (this is collective from retail + consumer levels), there’s a few things we can all do to play our part on reducing these numbers.

  1. Cut back on waste by meal planning and prepping. Take a proactive approach by examining your weekly schedule to pinpoint days when you’re able to cook at home. Select recipes for lunches and dinners accordingly, ensuring you purchase only what you need and use ingredients efficiently.
  2. Embrace the concept of leftovers. By cooking larger portions and repurposing them creatively, you can stretch one meal into multiple delicious creations. For example, prepare a batch of seasoned ground turkey and enjoy it in various dishes over several days: On day one, make loaded bell pepper nachos. The next day, use leftover turkey meat to top baked potatoes with salsa. Finally, on the third day, use whatever turkey meat is left to make a taco salad, with crushed tortilla chips on top.
  3. Use up ingredients nearing their expiration date by incorporating them into recipes that can be frozen for future consumption.

Not only will these tips help you minimize food waste, but they will also save you time, money, and resources while allowing you to enjoy diverse and satisfying meals.