Shake Up Your Routine: Try Something New!

Hydrate in style.

So much of the focus is on food when we upgrade our health routines. But don’t overlook your hydration game. Hydration plays a pivotal role in various bodily functions, including digestion, metabolism, and joint health. I suggest aiming for half your weight in water ounces every day (this isn’t an exact science but rather a rough reference). That’s about 72 ounces (or 9 eight-ounce glasses) for someone who weighs 150 pounds. Adjust this amount based on your activity level and climate. Of course, water is always an excellent and obvious choice, but you can also elevate your hydration experience by infusing water with slices of fresh fruit or vegetables, or chopped herbs. Another idea: You can prep mouthwatering mocktails for a tasty twist. Some personal favorites include booze-free versions of margaritas and mojitos. Check out these delish combos: