Optimizing Lifestyle for Peak Poker Performance

Poker is one of rhe most widely represented games in online platforms, offering casino games online.  As it is known, online life can adversely affect health. Therefore, it's useful to remember that even for poker play, professional athletes develop a special diet.


The modern poker community promotes a healthy lifestyle, so almost everyone has probably shared the specifics of their daily diet. Catherine Malasidou did it back in the day, and now Ian Simpson has decided to voice the principles of proper nutrition for a poker player. He explains it quite sensibly, so we'll let him take the floorю


In today's game, it's important to use any advantage you have over your opponents, as their level of poker skill is increasing every day. And I think that physical activity and a balanced diet are the loopholes that everyone can use. That's why I don't think too much about how experienced my opponent is, if he had a wild night of partying before the game, didn't eat or didn't get enough sleep, because I'll always have an edge over him. By the way, all my tips below apply not only to those who play poker, but also to those who make a living with mental work in general.




First and foremost, our brain converts sugar into energy for its work, which it can get from sugar you put in your coffee, as well as from sugar found in fruits and vegetables. But ideally, it should be in the form of carbohydrates obtained from grains, potatoes, pasta, or bread (the case when you don't have to completely revamp your diet - ed.). Carbohydrates are good because the sugar from them enters the brain gradually throughout the day, unlike a single dose obtained, for example, from a chocolate bar. However, in case of necessity, the brain can function on protein, but I wouldn't recommend such an extreme to anyone. Also, I used to think that I could live on just fats, and I even spent a couple of fun months on a diet of KFC, curry, and beer, but it turned out that my brain's performance wasn't as good during that period as I thought. Not knowing that there could be something better saved me from disappointment in myself.


Fruits and Vegetables:


Ideal for a poker player's lifestyle. They contain a large number of trace elements that help your body function properly. They're basically responsible for many tasks, from supporting the immune system to aiding in the digestion of other food.


Also, fruits are convenient to take with you. When I'm playing poker and realize that my blood sugar level is dropping, and I need a kick, I eat a banana, and life gets better. Depending on how quickly you need a recharge, choose the source of sugar you want to consume. If you feel very tired, eat fruit. If your strength is just starting to leave you, stick to a cereal bar.




One of the most underestimated yet significant problems of humanity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a drink from time to time, but I don't even allow myself a beer if I have a game today or the next day. Personally, I find it difficult to deal with hangovers; some people find it easier, but I've seen too many great players miss their chance at victory just because they started celebrating their success too early. First, win the trophy, and then celebrate. There is, however, a chance that you need a bit of alcohol to calm your nerves, for example, in some important game. This is perfectly normal, but don't forget that alcoholic beverages can also cause fatigue and often are the main reason for making wrong decisions at the poker table.




Coca-Cola, coffee, and Red Bull are some of the main sources of caffeine. We're all different, with different metabolic rates, so only through experiments with your own body will you understand how caffeine affects your reaction speed and thinking. For example, after a sleepless night, a cup of coffee with sugar is enough for me. Also, consider how long the boost of energy stays with you; otherwise, you won't be able to sleep the whole night before an important game after an evening cappuccino.


Physical Exercises:


This is the area where I have a huge gap. But I plan to fill it soon, so you can do it too. Sports release endorphins, helping to deal with downswings and setting a more optimistic mood for the game. And of course, endurance: you won't step off the treadmill - you'll maintain a good pace even in a poker tournament.




Morning meals are very important and necessary for everyone without exception. Poker is an intensive game, often forcing the brain to work actively for many hours without a break. How can you expect full performance from it without giving it a charge of energy right from the morning?




This is not exactly a point related to a healthy lifestyle, but it directly affects your health. Sick people cover their mouth when they cough, but then touch poker chips with that same hand: you win them, and the germs are already on your palms. Also, are you sure that your opponent washed his hands after visiting the restroom? That's why the main rule for a poker player is to always wash your hands before eating. And don't forget about sanitizer, which can be used during a long game at the table. This is just the case when it's better to overdo it than to miss the second day of the tournament due to a gastrointestinal infection.
