Are you team snow day…or team snoway? When my kids were younger, there was nothing better than an unexpected day off from school to enjoy the fresh powder. Math lessons were replaced by snowball fights, sledding and angel imprints, and the day ended with rosy cheeks, homemade hot chocolate and lots of wonderful memories. My kids are all grown now, but I still love the snow. It’s stunning to look at—fresh fallen flakes bring a sense of calm and beauty to everything they touch. As winter rolls into my neck of the woods again, I find inspiration in the white wonderland. That’s why I thought it was the perfect time to shed a little light on a few white wonders in the nutrition world. Check out these tasty recipes starring pale-colored power picks.

White Wonders

Are you team snow day…or team snoway? When my kids were younger, there was nothing better than an unexpected day off from school to enjoy the fresh powder. Math lessons were replaced by snowball fights, sledding and angel imprints, and the day ended with rosy cheeks, homemade hot chocolate and lots of wonderful memories. My kids are all grown now, but I still love the snow. It’s stunning to look at—fresh fallen flakes bring a sense of calm and beauty to everything they touch. As winter rolls into my neck of the woods again, I find inspiration in the white wonderland. That’s why I thought it was the perfect time to shed a little light on a few white wonders in the nutrition world. Check out these tasty recipes starring pale-colored power picks.

White Wonders: Eggs and mushrooms

Eggs are a breakfast staple—easy to prep, yummy to eat and packed with protein. And there are so many delicious ways to enjoy them—scrambled, over easy, sunny side up, poached. Get ready to add another serving suggestion to your list: Eggs baked in a portabollo mushroom cap. This power pair is made up of two white(ish) winners: Eggs (1 white offers about 4 grams protein for just 17 calories) and mushrooms, which are loaded with fiber, minerals like selenium and copper as well as anti-viral compounds that may help fight colds and flu. Move over, toast and say porto-hello to these breakfast besties. 

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White Wonders: Cauliflower

Mashed potatoes are like a creamy bite of heaven—warm, satisfying comfort food at its best. But what if there were a way to mimic the starchy, delicious experience for a fraction of the carbs? Here’s a creative tweak using another white ingredient, this one is a superfood that contains fiber, is rich in vitamins (K and C) and boasts antioxidants. The secret white weapon: Cauliflower, cousin to another standout veggie, broccoli. This copycat recipe combines the pale powerhouse with other flavorful add-ons (cream cheese, Parm and scrumptious seasonings) for the ultimate side dish. If you’re not ready to go all in on cauli, you could also try a 50-50 mix using standard spuds. This trick cuts the carbs of the beloved side without really changing the flavor or texture. It’s likely your spouse, kids, and friends will never suspect the secret swap.

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White Wonders: Onions

Onions are a go-to flavor enhancer that makes every recipe tastier. They’re featured in soups, dips, sauces, stews, sandwiches, salads, sides, pizza, pasta dishes, burgers, tacos…the list goes on and on. I use them, along with carrots, in this Slow Cooker Brisket recipe to infuse the brisket with savory, yummy goodness. Sure, onions may cause a few tears while chopping (hint: try onion goggles!), but their delicious flavor and versatility are sure to put a smile on your face. Not to mention, the health benefits are equally as appealing. The odorous bulb contains a type of soluble fiber called inulin, which acts as a prebiotic, a source of fuel for probiotics, beneficial gut compounds. They also boast quercetin, an anti-inflammatory that can help protect your heart. So many layers to love.

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White Wonders: White beans

Lighten up your chili bowl by adding white beans to the mix. There are four main types of white beans. Navy beans are small and oval with a mild flavor and high fiber content (with 19 grams per cup cooked, it tops the list). They become creamy when cooked, which makes them the perfect ingredient for dips or purees. Great northern beans also have a mild favor but a firmer, grainer texture. They work well in hearty soups and stews. Cannellini (AKA white kidney) are medium in size with a neutral, slightly nutty flavor. They are often used in soups (like Minestrone), stews and bean salads. Finally, baby lima (AKA butterbeans) are small and smooth, with a buttery, rich flavor. In this Smoky Winter White Bean Chili recipe, I typically use white kidney beans—in place of the usual black, red, or pink—but any of the white varieties work beautifully. All beans pack protein and fiber, but white beans also contain more calcium (about 160 mg per cup cooked), which helps support bone health and also helps manage blood pressure.

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White wonders: Milk and bananas

Don’t you love a superfood that’s also super indulgent? This nutrient-packed and ultra-creamy Vanilla Milkshake features two light-colored gems: milk and bananas. Milk truly does a body good: You’ll score calcium, vitamin D, and if you opt for cow’s or soy milk, some protein, too. And there are good reasons to go bananas over the fab fruit. A medium banana has nearly 425 mg of potassium, a mineral that helps manage blood pressure, beat bloating and ensure healthy muscle contraction and function. Bananas are extremely convenient and they add creaminess and natural sweetness to loads of recipes, including fruit smoothies and milkshakes. Here’s a quick trick: Don’t toss overripe, brown, spotty bananas. Peel them, cover in plastic wrap, and stash in the freezer for future recipes. The riper they get, the sweeter they become. 

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White Wonders: Almond milk

Fizz, taste and fairy dust…this white-themed drink has it all. My sparkly Sugar Plum Fairy requires just three ingredients (almond milk, LaCroix Sparkling Water, and yes, fairy dust). Almond milk is a plant-based variety that is fortified with calcium and vitamin D (though you can easily swap in any milk you have in the house). The Beach Plum LaCroix Sparkling Water offers a two-for-one benefit, increasing the fun and flavor factor. And finally, the fairy dust (AKA cinnamon and sugar) helps gussy up your cup and take the taste over the top. 

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