January is all about fresh starts. It’s a time when most folks are focused on new goals, making new resolutions and setting new intentions. It’s also the time of year when motivation is typically at its highest. With that in mind, I say “Seize the day!” If you’re looking for some healthy eating inspiration or a fun way to freshen up your diet, try one of these new culinary adventures. Your tastebuds will enjoy fresh, fantastic new foods and dishes that you’ll want to recreate all year long.

To Fresh Starts and New Beginnings!

January is all about fresh starts. It’s a time when most folks are focused on new goals, making new resolutions and setting new intentions. It’s also the time of year when motivation is typically at its highest. With that in mind, I say “Seize the day!” If you’re looking for some healthy eating inspiration or a fun way to freshen up your diet, try one of these new culinary adventures. Your tastebuds will enjoy fresh, fantastic new foods and dishes that you’ll want to recreate all year long.

Fresh Starts, New Beginnings: Befriend a new fruit

Befriend a new fruit 

Of course, the classics are great—you just can’t go wrong with a ripe banana, juicy orange or sweet apple when you’re looking for a quick fix for a hunger pang. But why not make 2022 the year you really mix up your fruit bowl? For some folks, that means adding pineapple, mango or kiwi to the rotation. Try using them to whip up a colorful Poke Fruit Bowl. For the more adventurous, that might mean bringing in an interesting pick like dragon fruit, a mild-tasting colorful fruit (pink, yellow or white) that’s almost like a mix between a pear and a kiwi. Passion fruit is another tasty option; enjoy the tart pick by cutting it in half and scooping out the flesh. Or try black sapote, which has a dark-brown, creamy, pudding-like interior.

Fresh Starts, New Beginnings: Take a veggie voyage

Take a veggie voyage

As a nutritionist, I love all vegetables—green, yellow, orange, leafy, flowery, crispy, soft…you name it, I’m ready to devour. But I know that not all people feel the same. You may be in a rut because the same produce is on constant repeat (broccoli, carrots, green beans, broccoli, carrots, green beans, etc!). To keep things exciting in the veggie department, I recommend adding a few unique picks to your produce drawer. Beets are loaded with fiber and antioxidants, but most people aren’t sure how to use the ruby red vegetable. You can add them to a green salad, you can pickle them, or try adding them to a smoothie. Zucchini and other squash varieties are delish and super versatile. You can make Spaghetti Squash Noodles or Zoodles (zucchini-noodles), Zucchini Chips, Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese Muffins and so much more. Another interesting veggie: Jicama (pronounced hick-ama), a root vegetable with a crisp texture and slightly sweet, nutty flavor. I use them to whip up Jicama Fries that are soooo good.


Fresh Starts, New Beginnings: Enjoy a whole new world with whole grains

Enjoy a whole new world with whole grains

If you’ve made the switch from white rice to brown rice, great job (if not, there’s still time to give it a shot.). Now, if you’re ready for the next step, I have some tasty suggestions for you. The first is quinoa, a small round grain that is a complete protein. I use them in a much-requested latke recipe and in a beloved spin on vegetarian burgers. I also use oats in so many recipes—overnight oats, as a filler in meatballs and meat loaf, and of course, in cookies. Two other whole grains to try: Farro, a protein- and fiber-rich ancient grain, and bulgur, wheat kernels that dried and pre-cooked making for fast prep. And bonus: there are several new brands that offer pasta made with chickpeas, peas and lentils.

Fresh Starts, New Beginnings: Sip some buzzy bevvies

Sip some buzzy bevvies

If hydration is top of mind for this year—bravo! Proper hydration is essential for good health: It helps regulate metabolism, digestion, temperature and waste removal. It ensures nutrients get delivered to cells, helps prevent infection and keeps joints lubricated. You need about half your weight in fluid ounces each day. Plain or sparkling flavored water is great, but if you’re in the mood to whip up something a bit more special, try any of these scrumptious sips: Grape Goodness, Cucumber-Lemon Spa Water, Hibiscus Sparkling Iced Tea, or Spiced and Sparkling Chilled Chai Tea.