I know I’m a total foodie, but I can’t be the only one who thinks the grocery store is like a tasty slice of heaven. Is it just me…or does your tummy rumble and tastebuds water as you go through every aisle, shelves bursting with outstanding, wholesome foods that deliver big on nutrition, boast health-promoting powers, are vibrant and colorful, and of course, knock it out of the flavor park? With so many great-tasting and great-for-you options, how do you go about narrowing it down? Fortunately, you can sample all the wonderful selections, while also keying in on five select superfoods (and one bonus pick) that are the best of the best. Put simply, these deserve a permanent spot on your weekly shopping list.

5 superfoods for women

I know I’m a total foodie, but I can’t be the only one who thinks the grocery store is like a tasty slice of heaven. Is it just me…or does your tummy rumble and tastebuds water as you go through every aisle, shelves bursting with outstanding, wholesome foods that deliver big on nutrition, boast health-promoting powers, are vibrant and colorful, and of course, knock it out of the flavor park? With so many great-tasting and great-for-you options, how do you go about narrowing it down? Fortunately, you can sample all the wonderful selections, while also keying in on five select superfoods (and one bonus pick) that are the best of the best. Put simply, these deserve a permanent spot on your weekly shopping list.

5 super foods for women: Spinach


Spinach is basically like nature’s multivitamin. It’s filled with countless nutrients, which puts the power pick at the top of virtually every list of healthiest foods. It boasts lutein and zeaxanthin, a pair of antioxidants that has been shown to support healthy vision. It’s rich in iron, which helps to maintain energy levels. And it also features potassium, which can reduce bloating and decrease blood pressure…along with Vitamins C and K, folate, beta carotene, fiber and so much more. I wasn’t kidding right? Fortunately, there are so many amazing ways to love the leafy green. Sautéed spinach as a side to chicken or fish is a no-brainer. Using it as the base for a satisfying salad is another go-to. But the superfood is also the star of this Spinach Lasagna. And of course, you can’t whip up a mouthwatering Spinach Artichoke dip without it.

5 superfoods for women: Salmon


Salmon is another gold-star food, swimming its way into the hearts of dietitians and diners alike. It provides high-quality protein and essential amino acids. It’s also rich in omega-3 fats, which can help cut triglycerides and reduce blood pressure, in addition to helping to improve mood. As if those benefits didn’t make you fall hook, line and sinker for this catch, salmon is also a top source of vitamin D, which is crucial for a healthy immune system and also helps promote strong bones and teeth. You can enjoy a simple Roast Salmon, flavor the fish with miso (as in this recipe), whip up a BBQ Salmon Bowl, or add canned salmon to this delicious Wild Salmon Chickpea Salad. Oh, and if you enjoy crispy salmon skin, you must try this easy recipe to ensure it’s crisped to perfection! 

5 superfoods for women: Beans


Beans don’t always get the attention (or love) they deserve. They’re the punchline of a song about gastrointestinal health…when we should be tooting their horn for the many health benefits they deliver. For instance, they are a source of plant-based protein and fiber, a dynamic duo that can help steady blood sugars. The fiber also helps promote regularity and improve digestive health (OK, there’s some truth to that catchy little jingle, haha), in addition to reducing cholesterol. And plant-based protein has been linked to a reduced risk of illnesses, like heart disease and dementia. Plus, they contain magnesium, a mineral that helps regulate muscle, nerve and heart function and help reduce migraines. Toss beans into this Skillet Franks and Beans masterpiece, use them in Tacos or Chili, or in this delish 7-layer dip. Bean there, loved that!

5 superfoods for women: Tomatoes


These red-orange orbs are good for more than just topping salads and sandwiches. Loaded with lycopene, a potent antioxidant, and vitamin C, tomatoes help protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays. Note: lycopene becomes even more powerful when tomatoes have been heated, as in roasted, stewed, canned or tomato sauce. Vitamin C also helps the body produce collagen, a protein that can help keep skin looking young and healthy, and it enables you to better absorb iron from your diet. You can use canned tomatoes to make this scrumptious Creamy Tomato Soup or get a double hit of fresh and cooked (aka marinara sauce) in this Veggie Pizza Casserole. It’s a beautifying bite!

5 superfoods for women: Almonds


All nuts are winners, period. That’s because they’re low in carbs, which can help manage blood sugar levels. They’re also rich in heart-healthy fats, which can help cut LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. And they provide vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. And when it comes to women’s health, almonds have another notch in their belt: They contain some calcium to help strengthen bones and teeth. Grab a handful of almonds to snack on (pair it with a piece of fresh fruit), or cover them with dark chocolate for a sweet treat (as in this recipe). You can also add sliced almonds to green salads, chicken salad or mix them into yogurt or oatmeal.

5 superfoods for women: Bonus berries

Bonus points for berries

Berries boast beautiful colors and loads of nutrition. The bright and bold hues are thanks to anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that may help protect you from cancer and heart disease. Also, research shows that anthocyanins may help enhance memory and prevent age-related cognitive decline—talk about a brainy berry boost! Not to mention they also have vitamin C to keep your skin radiant and immune system strong, and fiber which can help keep you regular, stabilize blood sugar, and keep your heart healthy. Get creative with ‘em in your morning meal (enter PB & Berry Bowl), enjoy them in a smoothie, or topped on a salad…all ways, they’re berry delicious… and good for you, too.