On this week’s episode of Health + Happiness, Joy and Vivien explain the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger, discuss food safety and offer up tasty alternatives to plain old H20. Here’s a brief recap of what we learned in Episode 12. In case you missed it, you can watch the full episode here.

Snack Solution
Whenever you get the urge to grab a munchie, check out this helpful acronym first: HALT. Before eating anything, ask yourself if you’re: Hungry, angry, lonely or tired. If the answer isn’t hungry, skip the snack and find healthier ways to deal with whatever emotion you’re experiencing. For instance, take a walk or chat with a friend. If you are hungry, reach first for a produce item, like carrots, or an apple or orange, all of which are high in fiber and can satisfy appetite. Protein-rich snacks are also a good idea; try hummus, a hard-boiled egg, or low-fat cheese. Nuts are a smart snack but are more calorie-dense. Aim for a nibble that’s 200 calories or less.

Energy Boosting Eating Tips
Keep up your energy by eating meals rich in fiber and protein. For instance, have scrambled eggs and whole-grain toast and mixed berries. At lunch, enjoy a colorful salad with grilled chicken and chickpeas. Finish it off with a winner dinner of fish, loads of veggies and a baked potato. Next, nix sugar, like sweetened beverages, candy, cakes and cookies. They can leave you feeling tired a few hours after eating.

Sodium and Sugar Shock
Both salt and sugar may found in some surprising foods. For instance, you’ll find high amounts of sodium in canned soup, pizza, chicken that’s breaded or seasoned, cold cuts and cured meats, and breads and rolls. Sweeteners can be hiding in sauces, condiments and dressings in surprisingly high amounts. Be salt and sugar savvy by reading labels, choosing lower sodium and sugar products and steering clear of the salt shaker. Add flavor to recipes with spices and herbs instead. And try these low-sugar snack swaps: Enjoy seltzer in place of soda. Make a PB&F sandwich: peanut butter and sliced fresh fruit. Indulge in frozen pitted cherries instead of gummy candies.

Should you go gluten-free? 
Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, barley and rye. Gluten has gotten a bad rap in the diet world, with folks looking to avoid it to get in shape or lose weight. However, the only people who should completely avoid gluten are folks with celiac, a condition that’s triggered by the protein. Otherwise, you can certainly limit or avoid gluten if you want, but be sure to get all the nutrients and fiber you need.

Hydration Help
Water is the best bet to stay hydrated and keep your body functioning optimally. When you’re dehydrated, you may feel fatigued and have a headache. To help hit your daily water goal (about 2.7 liters for women; 3.7 liters per day for men), keep a water bottle with you wherever you go and try to track your intake. Need a flavorful change of pace from plain old H20? Make a spa sipper by floating lime or lemon slices (along with some mint, if desired) in your glass. Or, whip up fruit cubes; pour 100 percent fruit juice into an ice tray and freeze. Add a couple of cubes to your glass of water. You can also try a Joyful soda by pouring naturally flavored seltzer and add 100 percent fruit juice. Finally, give this Peach-Raspberry Iced Tea a try.

Here’s hoping your week is filled with health, happiness and a daily dose of Joy. To catch up on episodes of Health+Happiness, click here.