Too often, New Year’s resolutions focus on the negative…what we can’t have or what we want to lose. This year, switch our approach and focus on the positive! To get you started, I’m sharing five cheery health challenges you can make to bring about significant, lasting, meaningful change… they emphasize things we can add to our diets and how we can reframe our outlook to think more joyfully.  Here’s to a more productive, more fulfilling 2023!

’23 Health Challenge

Too often, New Year’s resolutions focus on the negative…what we can’t have or what we want to lose. This year, switch our approach and focus on the positive! To get you started, I’m sharing five cheery health challenges you can make to bring about significant, lasting, meaningful change… they emphasize things we can add to our diets and how we can reframe our outlook to think more joyfully.  Here’s to a more productive, more fulfilling 2023!

’23 Health Challenge: Add—don’t subtract

Add—don’t subtract

When you think about eating healthfully, focus on what you get to add to your diet versus what you have to cut out. Consider all the colorful and delicious fresh fruits and veggies you get to add to your plate, the satisfying and fiber-rich whole grains, and the satiating lean protein like fish, lentils, and beans. This addition-approach feels less punitive. Plus, it automatically helps crowd out processed food choices because you already feel full on what you get to enjoy. Coming from a place of restriction only creates more stress. Eating is and should be a positive and delicious experience.

’23 Health Challenge: Adopt a positive mantra

Adopt a positive mantra.

What will be your mantra for 2023? It could be something as simple as: You got this!” or “You are worthy.” or “You are enough.” Find a phrase that works for you and then put it everywhere as a daily reminder. You can put it on a sticky note on your bathroom mirror, kitchen cabinet, computer, car dash. Make it your phone screensaver—anywhere you’ll see it often. Soon enough, you’ll start to believe it.

’23 Health Challenge: Eat with your eyes

Eat with your eyes

We eat with our eyes, so go out of your way to make every eating occasion special. Set your table with pretty linens and napkins. Use your fancy plates and the good silverware (why do we always stash these things in our closets anyway?!). Add garnishes, like fresh herbs, and drizzle sauce over the meal in a creative design. Elevate your beverages too: Pour sparkling water into an elegant wine or champagne glass. Or, whip up a special mocktail, like this LaCroix Pineapple Moscow Mule, and go all out with garnishes—sliced fresh fruit, a rimmed glass, and so on. Then, sip slowly with your meal to make it more of an experience. All of these steps can help enhance the meal. For bonus points, dine via candlelight. Doing so can help create a feeling of calm and happiness.

’23 Health Challenge: Schedule a monthly ‘me’ day

Schedule a monthly “me” day. 

One day a month, plan one day that’s all about you. You can choose to do anything you want—spend the day reading, getting a manicure, taking a walk with your favorite playlist, watching Netflix, and so on. You can catch up with friends or plan a day of pampering or take a dance class or go bowling. Whatever brings you joy! This gives you something to look forward to each month and rejuvenates you to stay on a healthy path.

’23 Health Challenge: Smile more

Smile more.

Find ways to smile more often. It’s a powerful way to lift your mood and overall outlook…and hey, it’s the easiest way to improve your appearance, too. Actively seek out things that spark a grin or simply cause you to feel good at least once a day. Find a funny video online, listen to an upbeat song, do something nice for someone else, watch a beautiful sunset, look back at old photos.


For more tips on healthy goal-setting, check out 10 resolutions for a JOYful New Year.