6 Slimming BBQ Sides

Barbecues are one of my absolute favorite parts of the summer season. Enjoying delicious food in the great outdoors with good friends and family…what’s not to love?

Instead of loading up your plate with mayo-laden sides, try any one of these delicious (and totally healthy!) recipes. Whatever your favorite—potato salad, pasta salad and coleslaw—I have a lighter alternative to dig into. Whip one up for your next get-together or bring it along to offer the host. Just don’t be surprised if it’s the hottest dish at the party.

Cole Slaw

At only 50 calories per serving, my Cole Slaw is a BBQ bargain, especially when you consider that the fast food version contains about triple the calories. I add extra flavor with dried cranberries and scallions and I let the veggies really shine through by using lower amounts of low-fat mayo.

Roasted Sweet Potato Salad

Give traditional potato salad a nutrition upgrade! In my Roasted Sweet Potato Salad, I replace standard white spuds with bright orange sweet potatoes (rich in beta-carotene), and flavor them up with spices like oregano, paprika and cayenne (yum!). Throw in some superfoods, like vinegar and spinach, and you’ll have a delicious rendition your guests will love.

Apple Poppyseed Coleslaw

This Apple Poppyseed Coleslaw is a fun and interesting twist on the classic. It has so many different textures—from the crisp apples and crunchy carrots and cabbage to the creamy dressing. The super side also comes packaged with vitamins A and C, and potassium (which helps reduce blood pressure). All this for just 70 calories per ½ cup—prepare to dig in!

Ribbon Pasta Salad

Skip starchy pasta and enjoy this refreshing Ribbon Pasta Salad instead. It features low-carb “noodles” made from zucchini and yellow summer squash, two hydrating veggies that also contain beta-carotene and potassium. The six-ingredient dish (including salt and pepper) is so simple to put together and looks really beautiful. Oh yeah, and it’s totally delicious.

Lentil Bean Salad

Looking for a different type of “salad” to add to your BBQ spread? Try this Lentil Bean Salad. Beans and lentils are both heart-healthy and waist-friendly (a two for one benefit!). That’s likely because they’re loaded with potassium, calcium, folate, and beta-carotene. Top the power pair with a light balsamic vinaigrette to create a dish that’s sure to win over the crowd.

Potato-Carrot Salad

Add some creativity and color to regular old potato salad by tossing in some flavorful carrots. In my Potato-Carrot Salad recipe, I replace half the potatoes with nutrient-packed carrots to help cut carbs and calories, while boosting the fiber. It’s so creamy (thanks to nonfat Greek yogurt) and it’s packed with potassium and beta-carotene so you can enjoy guilt-free!


For more healthy BBQ tips, check out this article.