Whoever described the holiday season as “the most wonderful time of the year” was certainly not trying to watch his weight. Between the office parties, family get-togethers and all those festive food gifts, it can easily turn into a nonstop feeding frenzy. Believe it or not, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can enjoy the season (and yes, some of the tasty treats) without overdoing it using these smart strategies

Be picky with parties. You don’t have to say yes to every holiday invitation—it’s OK to pass on a party or two. Choose a few that are most important to you and truly savor those soirees!

Walk it off. You may not have time for a formal workout at the gym, but you can still get in your exercise. Aim to log 10,000 steps per day. It might seem like a lot, but you can hit the mark by moving more all day long. For instance, start your morning with a quick walk, help the host by passing out food and clearing plates and take a post-party stroll. An activity tracker can help you keep tabs on how close you are to reaching your goal with charts and graphs.

Give the gift of healthy food. Instead of bringing a bottle of wine or other gift for the host, whip up your own healthy homemade recipe. It gives you a two-for-one benefit: You look like a gracious guest and you know you’ll have at least one nutritious dish to enjoy that evening.

Master the buffet. Going to a buffet-style party? Fill your first plate with produce only—this includes crudité, roasted red peppers, salad, and fruit off the cheese platter. The fiber will fill you up, possibly helping you to pull back on fatty fare. On your next trip up to the buffet, fill your plate with a moderate serving of whatever else looks delicious.