The belief that certain foods can boost your sexual performance is far from new. Throughout history, many foods have been attributed the power to improve sex and combat erectile problems. Here are some examples:

Garlic: In days of old, it used to be the case that Tibetan monks weren’t allowed to enter a monastery if they’d been eating garlic, because it is said to increase the circulation.

Honey: Rich in B vitamins, which contribute to the body’s production of testosterone, honey becomes a drink called mead when fermented. People drank mead in medieval times to increase sexual longing. After their wedding, a couple would drink mead every day for a month in ancient Persia, known as the ‘honey month’ – the origin of today’s ‘honeymoon’.

Chocolate: Chocolate contains the ‘feel-good chemicals’ phenylethylamine and serotonin. First found in South American rainforests, the cacao tree was sacred to Mayan civilizations. The Aztec ruler Montezuma is also alleged to have drunk 50 goblets of chocolate a day to increase his sexual stamina.

Asparagus: On their wedding night, grooms in 19th century France were given a three course meal of asparagus. Packed with vitamins and minerals, asparagus is thought to boost the body’s production of histamines, which are needed for both men and women to reach orgasm.

Liquorice: Commonly used to boost libido back in ancient China, even modern day studies suggest that the smell of liquorice can stimulate sexual arousal.

Do these foods really make a difference? 

Changing your diet can indeed improve your sex life in the sense that it can prevent or even improve a problem like erectile dysfunction. However, whether you will find chocolate, liquorice and garlic helpful is debateable.

Erectile dysfunction is primarily caused by the same process which leads to cardiovascular disease and heart problems – the build-up of plaque in your arteries. In most cases, these changes in your arteries occur as the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, especially a diet high in fat and sugar. So if you want to improve your sex life, eat healthily. Foods which help your heart and cardiovascular health also promote a healthy sexual function.

So which foods should I eat?

Following a healthy diet will boost your overall health and it can help prevent sexual problems. Aiming to get your five fruit and veg a day (check out the NHS Five a Day Website for more information) is also a fantastic way of feeling and looking better, as does avoiding foods which contain a large amount of saturated fat, such as bacon, fast food as well as many ready-meals and cheeses. Instead of these items, choose foods which are rich in monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and omega 3 fatty acids. These can be any foods such as salmon, walnuts and almonds. Following this advice will greatly improve your overall health and make you feel a lot better day to day, as well as help prevent your risk of sexual dysfunctions caused by an unhealthy diet.


About the author: Coming from Leeds, Patrick Booth is a 26 year-old keen chef and health enthusiast, who loves to cook Mediterranean inspired cuisine.  When he’s not in the kitchen he likes keeping healthy by cycling or playing football.