What better way to start off the New Year than with a focus on recipes that boost immunity, taste delicious and enhance overall health? That was the theme of this week’s Amazon Live Show. I showed off my Longevity Soup, which features foods shown to promote longevity, including cruciferous vegetables, lycopene-rich tomato broth, leafy greens, and nuts and/or seeds. Slurp on, folks! I also debuted my new Air Fryer Mushroom recipe, perfect for a chewy, earthy and satisfying side. Mushrooms are wonderfully packed with umami flavor and anti-viral compounds to help strengthen immunity. And although I didn’t get to show it during the episode, I have a cool hack for mushroom bacon…another healthful way to ‘shroom through the new year. Don’t worry if you missed the episode. You can catch a replay here. And be sure to check out the featured recipes below:

• Longevity Soup
• Air Fryer Mushrooms
• Mushroom Bacon