Sleepless in Seattle

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are the OGs of rom-coms. They both star in Sleepless in Seattle, which follows recently widowed Sam Baldwin (Hanks) and his son, Jonah, as they move to Seattle after the passing of Sam’s beloved wife (and Jonah’s mom), Maggie. Young Jonah confides to his dad that he’s worried he’s beginning to forget his mom. In a touching scene, Sam comforts his son by sharing a sweet memory of how his mom could “peel an entire apple in one curly strip.”

While this recipe doesn’t require any apple-peeling mastery, it does call for a single sweet and juicy apple sliced into thin pieces, covered with a bunch of tasty toppings, including melty peanut butter, chopped, toasted nuts, seeds, and even chocolate chips. Whip yourself up a single-serve platter and enjoy this heartwarming classic for the first (or fifth!) time.

Get the recipe.