If life is wearing you down, a few manageable changes can give you an instant lift. From eating the right foods to shifting your mindset, these strategies are designed to help boost mood, fight fatigue, and combat stress. Read on to start channeling more positive energy your way.

Green Tea Smoothie

Green Tea – Mango Smoothie

Give yourself a jolt of AM or afternoon energy with a Green Tea-Mango Smoothie . Antioxidant-rich green tea contributes a modest dose of caffeine, while nonfat Greek yogurt delivers a concentrated hit of protein to get your brain cells fired up.

Consider Supplements

Talk To Your Doctor About Supplements.

St. John’s wort and SAMe have both been found to be beneficial treatments for mild to moderate depression, and a few studies have shown these supplements are as effective as some prescription anti-depressant medications. Both compounds work by altering neurotransmitter activity in the brain, which impacts mood. However, just because these supplements are “natural” doesn’t necessarily mean they’re safe for everyone, and St. John’s wort in particular can have serious side effects and interactions with common medications (for example, it can make birth control less effective). With that in mind, always speak with your physician before taking a new supplement.


Get in 30 Minutes of Enjoyable Exercise, Every Day.

Numerous studies have found that exercise helps to improve mood in people with everyday sadness and moderate depression, and it doesn’t have to be an intense cardio workout at the gym to be effective. You can fulfill your 30 minute goal doing yoga, walking outdoors, or doing a Pilates DVD. The key is consistency. Position exercise as a daily prescription, something you have to do every day in order to have an effect, just like taking medication on a schedule. Exercise releases endorphins, feel-good chemicals that may help lift mood, and also boosts self-esteem and self-confidence. To get twice the benefit, pair exercise with another activity that makes you feel good, whether it’s watching your favorite TV show, listening to an energizing, upbeat playlist, or talking on the phone with someone who lifts your spirits.

Eat Fatty Fish

Eat Fatty Fish 3+ Times A Week.

Fatty fish like salmon provides two mood-boosting ingredients: omega-3 fats and vitamin D. EPA, the type of omega-3 fat that seems to be most effective at improving mental wellbeing, is not found in plant sources of omega-3s, so you won’t get any EPA from walnuts, chia or flax seeds. Instead, you’ll want to eat salmon, sardines, trout and Atlantic mackerel to get your weekly fill of this good-for-you fat. Fatty fish is also the top food source of vitamin D, and low vitamin D levels have been associated with increased risk for depression. Regularly eating fatty fish is a safe, all-around healthy way to give your D levels a little boost. Make a quick pasta supper by tossing whole wheat noodles with salmon, broccoli and your favorite vinaigrette, enjoy salmon sushi with brown rice, or try my tangy-sweet Hoisin-Glazed Salmon.

Think Positive

Take 5 Minutes to Appreciate “The Small Things.”

If you’re feeling low, this may be the simplest and most powerful step you can take to improve your mental wellbeing and enhance your outlook. Once a day, when you’re brushing your teeth, making dinner, getting into bed, or have another moment to pause, take 5 minutes to think of three things that you are grateful for that day OR three things you did that make you proud. You’ll instantly feel more optimistic and less bogged down by the negative stuff life throws your way. You can think of mental exercise as prayer, meditation, or positive self-talk, but however you view it, it has to be a consistent part of your daily routine.


Fight Afternoon Fatigue with a Modest Dose of Caffeine.

If you find your energy is fading fast after lunch, try sipping on unsweetened green or black tea — a hot mug or a refreshing iced version will do the trick. Tea is ideal for the PM hours because it delivers a moderate hit of caffeine (about half the amount in a cup of coffee), making it less likely to interfere with sleep. If you prefer java, enjoy a cup made with half regular and half decaf. You’ll get that same modest midday jolt and still be ready to hit the sack by bedtime. Or, have half a mug of regular coffee diluted with a very generous pour of skim, soy, or almond milk.


Want more ways to feel great? Check out these 6 surprising superfoods that boost overall health.

Protein-Rich Snack

Avoid the Midday Slump with a Protein-Rich Snack.

In today’s high-speed world, it’s normal to feel crazed and exhausted 24/7, but for many people the so-called “mid-afternoon slump” is the most problematic time of day. The clock hits three or four and you start to feel low-energy and draggy…and just want to crawl into bed. The solution: a well-timed, protein-packed snack. Scientists in the UK found that protein “wakes up” brain cells, which helps you stay alert and focused. Some of my favorite protein-rich bites include a container of nonfat Greek yogurt (plain or flavored), 1 or 2 string cheese, a serving of turkey jerky, or 1 or 2 hard-boiled eggs. Or, mix up a travel-friendly Protein Trail Mix by combining 2 cups air-popped or low-fat popcorn, 2 tablespoons roasted peanuts, and 2 tablespoons roasted edamame.

Start Feeling Better Now!

If life is wearing you down, a few manageable changes can give you an instant lift. From eating the right foods to shifting your mindset, these strategies are designed to help boost mood, fight fatigue, and combat stress. Read on to start channeling more positive energy your way.