Let’s face it, we’re all overworked, overwhelmed, and overtired. Not only does it cause us to drag through the day, but it may also lead us to make poor food decisions and also increase our chances of skipping a workout.

It goes without saying that every one of us could benefit from an energy boost, and every seemingly insignificant lifestyle tweak is worth a shot if it can give us a little more pep in our step.

That’s why I’m suggesting five simple swaps. They will help get you going in the morning, during an afternoon slump, or any time of the day when you feel sluggish. Vroom, vroom!

Swap Milk for Greek Yogurt

Energizing eats: Swap the milk in your cereal bowl for Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt provides more than double the protein of milk (6 ounces of plain Greek yogurt has 18 grams of protein whereas 1 cup of milk has 8 grams). The nutrient helps to wake up your brain cells and keep you energized during the a.m. hours.

Swap Candy for Edamame or Another Energizing Snack

Energizing eats: Trade in your standard candy bar or chips for roasted chickpeas, edamame, sunflower seeds, or chocolate-covered espresso beans

The candy bar is a sugar avalanche. All of that sugar is digested quickly which gives you a short-lived energy surge followed by a crash soon after. While the chips don’t have added sugar, they’re made from the type of starch that is readily converted into sugar by the body very quickly. However, roasted chickpeas, edamame, and sunflower seeds all provide protein and fiber, two nutrients that take longer to digest, providing more sustainable energy instead of just a quick burst. And the espresso beans…these have a nice hit of caffeine for a boost.

Swap Water for Brewed Tea in Smoothies

Energizing eats: Replace the water or juice in your smoothie for brewed green or black tea

Brewed green or black tea will give your smoothie a hit of caffeine for an instant pick-me-up. A cup of tea provides about 50 mg of caffeine. It’s the tasty equivalent of a power nap (without the bedhead!). Try my tasty Mango Green Tea Smoothie.

Swap Cashews For Sesame Seeds

Energizing eats: Swap the cashews in your stir-fry for sesame seeds.

Love the crunch of cashews in your stir-fry? You can get the same satisfaction with a bit more iron (good for helping circulate oxygen in the body, which will help you feel more alert) from sesame seeds. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of toasted seeds per serving onto your favorite recipe or try my Orange Pepper Beef Stir-Fry.

Swap Fruit Juice for Whole Fruit

Energizing eats: Nix your fruit juice for whole fruit instead.

Fruit juice—even 100 percent fruit juice—is concentrated in sugar. Slurp down a glass, and you’ll suffer an energy crash shortly after. A piece of whole fruit, on the other hand, provides filling fiber and energy-sustaining power along with that shot of sweetness. Bonus: A cup of orange juice is 110 calories and an orange only 60.

Simple Swaps to Boost Your Energy

Let’s face it, we’re all overworked, overwhelmed, and overtired. Not only does it cause us to drag through the day, but it may also lead us to make poor food decisions and also increase our chances of skipping a workout.

It goes without saying that every one of us could benefit from an energy boost, and every seemingly insignificant lifestyle tweak is worth a shot if it can give us a little more pep in our step.

That’s why I’m suggesting five simple swaps. They will help get you going in the morning, during an afternoon slump, or any time of the day when you feel sluggish. Vroom, vroom!