Turning half-a-century can feel a bit daunting, but 50 is just a number, and if you feel young, then you truly are young. Of course, there are a few—ahem—physical changes that occur as the years accrue, which may elicit some pretty lousy side effects.  To minimize these, you can start looking out for a few of the following “red flag” foods… then boot ‘em off the menu.



According to the CDC, about 33% of adults have high blood pressure, and incidence increases with age.  Since high-sodium foods can raise blood pressure even further (for salt-sensitive people), it’s especially important to maintain a low-sodium diet in your 50s, when your risk for heart disease and stroke are already elevated.  This usually means avoiding foods that are pickled, cured, or highly processed.  On average, one pickle contains 1180 mg of sodium – almost an entire day’s allotment for an adult with high blood pressure!

Deep-dish Pizza

Deep-dish Pizza

Your metabolism slows down naturally as you age, and in your 50s, you’ll probably notice that it’s become much easier for you to gain weight (and much more difficult to lose it).  There are certainly healthier alternatives to pizza, but deep-dish pizza is especially dangerous if you’re fighting off extra pounds, since the thick, white crust contains loads of unnecessary calories.  You don’t have to swear off the pies completely – just make smarter selections.  Swap thick crust for thin crust (this automatically saves 100 calories per slice), load it with veggies, and skip the meaty toppings and extra cheese.



Staying away from soda at any age is a no-brainer, but the so-called “liquid candy” is an even bigger hazard when you’re dealing with abnormal blood sugar levels, a common problem for the 50+ crowd.  Soda can send your blood sugars soaring, increasing your risk for type 2 diabetes and promoting inflammation to boot.  Studies also show that a high-sugar diet is linked to having unhealthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are major risk factors for heart disease.  (Side note: The empty calories from soda won’t fill you up like solid food will.)  If you love bubbly beverages, swap the soda for naturally flavored seltzer, and add a splash of 100% fruit juice if it needs a flavor boost.

Breakfast Pastries

Breakfast Pastries

Low energy is another symptom of the sluggish metabolism that typically comes with your 50s, so it’s important to fuel yourself with energy-efficient foods.  Donuts and other sugary breakfast pastries may seem to give you a quick lift, but their refined starches will set you up for an energy crash within a few hours, making it even tougher to power through the afternoons.  Save those treats for your occasional desserts and, instead, choose breakfast foods that are rich in protein and/or fiber, which will help to stabilize your blood sugar levels and provide longer lasting energy.

2ND Glass of Wine

2nd Glass of Wine

For women, the known health benefits of wine are based on drinking a single, 5-ounce glass per day, but a second glass can take a toll on your organs and essentially negate the positive effects of the first glass.  It may also prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep, as the pseudo-sedative usually wakes you up when your blood alcohol level drops, resulting in overall restlessness.  (Remember, the extra wine can lower your resolve to eat healthy, too – and have I mentioned the need to be aware of your snaillike metabolism?  Totally unfair, I know.)  The bottom line: Be selective about when you reach for a second glass.  Special occasions and bottles that are too good to resist, only!

Now that you know what foods to avoid, what should you add to your grocery cart? Find out!


Turning half-a-century can feel a bit daunting, but 50 is just a number, and if you feel young, then you truly are young. Of course, there are a few—ahem—physical changes that occur as the years accrue, which may elicit some pretty lousy side effects. To minimize these, you can start looking out for a few of the following “red flag” foods… then boot ‘em off the menu.