QUESTION: I’m determined to not gain weight on vacation, but I don’t want to miss out on all the fun. What’s the best way to handle my upcoming beach trip?

Use these three fail-proof strategies:

1. Rise and sweat. A quick morning exercise session sets the tone for a healthy day. And you don’t have to just hit the hotel gym. Instead, take advantage of your unique surroundings and find vacation-like ways to move. For example, walk around the town for an hour and explore new streets, shops and cafes. Or, take a jog on the beach, swim laps in the pool, or sign up for an a.m. snorkeling class…or yoga on the beach.  

2. Stick to your regular (healthy) eating plan. In other words, continue with your normal routine: Maybe it’s eggs and fruit for breakfast, salads for lunch, and fish with veggies for dinner. However…. 

3. Enjoy a daily splurge. It’s vacation after all, so allow yourself one delicious indulgence each day. Anything goes from French toast for breakfast…a pasta entrée or paella at dinner…or an umbrella drink on the beach. Eater’s choice! Eat slowly, and savor every delicious bite (or sip). 

Have a diet or nutrition question you’d like me to answer? Send it my way.