If you’re not hitting the recommended amount of daily produce (that’s two-and-a-half cup-equivalents of vegetables daily and two cup-equivalents of fruit), um, why not? If price is a problem for you, I have some encouraging news to share.

A new paper from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service suggests that the average person could hit their vegetable and fruit goals for just $2.60 per day—that’s less than the cost of a latte. (If you’re feeding a family of five, of course, the price jumps.)

But just think about what you’d spend on a box of cookies or bag of chips. It turns out, Americans use the largest chunk of their food-at-home budget (around 35 percent) on “miscellaneous” foods—mainly junk foods like chips, soda, candy and frozen meals, finds another ERS analysis. My advice: reallocate your junk food funds to healthier picks—you’ll be better served spending your hard-earned cash on foods that will leave you feeling energized and help your health. Aren’t you worth the investment? The answer is a resounding yes!

Besides, there are some good deals to be had in the produce section. The researchers looked at 156 vegetables and fruit—both fresh and processed—and determined that consumers just have to be a little savvier at the supermarket. Here’s how:

  • Fill up your cart with the cheapest vegetables and fruit (in terms of price-per-cup), which includes watermelon, bananas, potatoes and dried beans or lentils.
  • Look for sales on everyday favorites, like apples, oranges, grapes, broccoli, and onions, which fell somewhere in the middle in terms of cost.
  • Grab the priciest picks, which includes fresh raspberries, artichokes and fresh asparagus, when they’re in season to get the best buys.
  • Opt for frozen. Frozen produce is always a smart option—it’s often cheaper than fresh and just as nutritious. Fatter wallet, slimmer waistline…it’s a win-win!