Maintain a Healthy Weight
If you’re overweight, you are at a greater risk for high triglycerides, but simple lifestyle changes like following a balanced diet and exercising can help you lose weight and lower your triglyceride levels. Cut down on high–calorie foods and beverages and make it a priority to incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your diet. They’re low in calories to help you achieve your weight loss goals, and packed with nutrients to improve overall heart health.

Reduce Unhealthy Fats

Reduce Unhealthy Fats
Our bodies store and circulate fat in the form of triglycerides. Eating a diet heavy in saturated and trans fats will raise the levels of your blood triglycerides. Fortunately, you can markedly improve your triglyceride levels by cutting down on consumption of these kinds of fats. If you have high triglycerides, it’s especially important to limit foods high in saturated fat, including marbled red meat, poultry skin, butter, whole milk, and other full–fat dairy products. Since trans fats are even more harmful than saturated fats, you’ll want to carefully check nutrition labels on margarines, snack foods, baked goods, and other packaged items to ensure they don’t contain any trans fats.