Get enough sleep.

If you can’t get out of bed in the morning, have trouble keeping up with your kids, or find yourself dragging throughout the day, it’s time to take action! Reclaim your energy and vitality by making small changes to your lifestyle and diet. The best way to start is by getting more sleep. Research proves that sleep deprivation can be detrimental to your health and weight (not to mention your mood!) — so aim for seven to nine hours of shut–eye each night. Start by resetting your body clock: For one week, go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning.

Avoid late-night meals.

Avoid late-night meals.

Eating heavy, high-salt, calorie-packed meals before bed is a huge no-no. Besides leading to weight gain, these foods can zap your early a.m. energy and make it hard to get out of bed — sort of like a food hangover. Instead, eat a balanced, nutritious dinner, and if you’re still hungry, have a piece of fruit or a calming cup of tea in the evenings. Better yet, distract yourself from snacking with a relaxing activity, like a warm bath or some nighttime reading. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed, not lethargic.

Eat breakfast

Eat breakfast

Your mom was right — breakfast really is a super-important meal! Numerous studies have shown that eating a healthy breakfast can help people feel better both mentally and physically during the morning hours. But before you make a beeline to the nearest doughnut shop, you should know that not just any breakfast will do. A recent study showed that only a high-protein breakfast does the trick, because protein eaten early helps to keep you feeling full and alert throughout the day. I recommend high-quality protein foods such as egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese, nonfat yogurt (especially nonfat Greek yogurt), natural nut butter, or turkey bacon, along with a high-quality carbohydrate like fruit or whole grain toast.

Enjoy some java.

Enjoy some java.

Caffeine is currently the most widely used stimulant in the world, and scientific studies confirm that caffeinated beverages like coffee can help keep you temporarily alert and focused. So feel free to enjoy a few cups of joe, but certainly know your personal tolerance level — an eight-ounce cup of coffee has approximately 100 mg of caffeine; a cup of green or black tea has around 40 mg — and don’t rely solely on caffeine as your means to stay energized. What’s more, be sure to “decaffeinate” by late afternoon so the caffeine doesn’t keep you awake at night (remember, you want to get seven to nine full hours of sleep!). The jolt from caffeine typically peaks within the first hour and can linger in your system between three and eight hours, so adjust accordingly.

Keep your body hydrated.

Keep your body hydrated.

Water is necessary to maintain a healthy body and a clear mind. In fact, about 60 percent of your body is water; so you must stay hydrated to function efficiently. How much water is enough? The Institute of Medicine recommends about 13 eight-ounce cups of fluid per day for men and nine for women— and even more if you live in a super-hot climate or are very physically active. Sounds like a lot, but rest assured, it adds up quickly — and although water is your best bet, all fluids count (including coffee, tea, and milk in your cereal, and even juicy foods like vegetables, fruits, and nonfat yogurt!).

Eat every four to five hours.

Eat every four to five hours.

The four-to-five-hour eating strategy can dramatically prevent dips in your blood-sugar levels. Eating consistently throughout the day provides your brain and body with a constant source of fuel. Note: some people with diagnosed hypoglycemia may need to eat more frequently (every two or three hours). But what foods are best for boosting energy? There are two main guidelines — click next to find out what they are.

Limit refined carbohydrates.

Limit refined carbohydrates.

Concentrated sources of sugar like soda and other sweetened drinks, candy, baked goods, jam, and syrup can create radical spikes in your blood sugar — which often leaves you feeling tired a couple of hours later. And although refined, white starch like white bread, crackers, bagels, and rice do not naturally contain sugar compounds, they are metabolized into sugar very quickly and have the same effect. To help lessen volatile blood-sugar swings, limit refined carbs and stick to high–quality ones: vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, peas, and lentils.

Incorporate soluble fiber and protein.

Incorporate soluble fiber and protein.

Foods rich in soluble fiber have the ability to slow down the absorption of sugar into your blood and therefore help to level out spikes and dips in your blood sugar — and energy. Luckily many of the same high-quality carbohydrate foods (oats, brown rice, barley, apples, pears, strawberries, oranges, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, and beans) are also full of soluble fiber. And finally, incorporate protein (like lean chicken or turkey, eggs, fish, low-fat dairy, nuts, beans, and whole soy foods) into meals and snacks whenever possible, which also slows the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood. You’ll feel energized and productive for hours after eating!

Get enough sleep.

Get enough sleep.

If you can’t get out of bed in the morning, have trouble keeping up with your kids, or find yourself dragging throughout the day, it’s time to take action! Reclaim your energy and vitality by making small changes to your lifestyle and diet. The best way to start is by getting more sleep. Research proves that sleep deprivation can be detrimental to your health and weight (not to mention your mood!) — so aim for seven to nine hours of shut–eye each night. Start by resetting your body clock: For one week, go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning.