With swimsuit season just around the corner, bloat has become public-enemy number one. Everyday bloating can be caused by water-retention (typically from eating too many salty foods) or by overdoing it on gassy foods (think high-fiber cereals, broccoli, and brussels sprouts) that puff you up with extra air. Whatever the cause, it’s downright uncomfortable — and certainly doesn’t flatter a warm-weather wardrobe. Looking for foods that will battle the bloat and slim down your midsection? These ten foods are among your best bets.




The name says it all — this fruit is 92 percent water, which can help fill you up and rid your body of excess sodium. Plus, this super-sweet, vitamin-C-rich fruit clocks in at less than 100 calories per cup or large wedge, so it’s a great snack for people trying to lose weight (and will give you glowing summer skin to boot!). At your next barbecue, pass on the heavy, mayonnaise-drenched side dishes and try a watermelon salad: Simply cut the melon into bite-sized cubes and combine with red onion, red-wine vinegar, mint leaves, and a dash of olive oil.

Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt


This creamy treat packs about 20 grams of protein per cup, filling your stomach quickly without excess volume or calories. Yogurt also contains potassium, which rids the body of sodium, and beneficial bacteria called probiotics that reduce stomach gas and bloating. Freeze a single-serve container and scrape with a spoon to create your own “granita” on a hot summer day!




Due to their extremely high 96% water content, the inside temperature of cucumbers can be up to 20 degrees cooler than the outside air, making them a refreshing, low-calorie food during the summer heat. Plus, they’re slim-sational: One whole cucumber equals only 45 calories! Cut this healthy veggie into disks to scoop up hummus, or combine with ripe tomato, red wine vinegar, olive oil and fresh herbs for a dynamite summer salad.

Unsweetened Iced Tea and Coffee

Unsweetened Iced Tea and Coffee


Calorie-free and full of antioxidants, these refreshingly cool beverages fill you up and help flush out extra sodium. Instead of sugary lemonade, pour a glass of unsweetened iced green tea to cool off on a hot summer day. Green tea contains EGCG, an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties, making it a perfect drink to sip on while relaxing by the pool. You can add a shot of natural sweetness to cold tea by slicing fresh fruit and refrigerating overnight. If you’re sipping iced coffee and like it “lightened,” be sure to stick with skim or 1 percent low-fat cow’s milk, soy milk, or unsweetened almond milk.




Expand your produce horizon and try jicama, a low-calorie root vegetable with a crisp texture and slightly sweet, nutty flavor. A great source of potassium, which has anti-bloat properties, jicama is a high-volume, low-cal snack at just 50 filling calories per cup. You can take it sweet or savory; toss it into a vegetable stir-fry, or mix it into a fruit salad for satisfying crunch. But my absolute favorite way to enjoy jicama is sliced into “fries” and drizzled with fresh lime juice.

Egg Whites

Egg Whites


When it comes to a belly-flattening protein, nothing beats egg whites! With only 17 calories each and an impressive four grams of filling protein, egg whites — try them hard-boiled, scrambled, or in an omelet with veggies — make the perfect slimming morning meal. Plus, studies show that eating a protein-rich breakfast can help curb appetite later in the day and boost weight-loss efforts. Leaner abs are on the way!

Summer Squash and Zucchini

Summer Squash and Zucchini


Fire up the grill with slices of fresh summer squash and zucchini — slimming, nutrient-packed alternatives to belly-bulging barbecue sides like potato and macaroni salad. They’re a perfect choice because, unlike gassy veggies, they fill you up without puffing you out. For an easy, low-cal prep, spray your squash, zucchini, and any other produce picks like bell peppers or mushrooms with an oil mister, then lightly toss with seasonings and pop them on the grill. Enjoy them straight up—or add them to a pita pocket with hummus and feta cheese to create a flavorful Mediterranean sandwich — a light, vegetarian entrée everyone will love!




A tried-and-true “slimming” favorite, grapefruit is bursting with good hydration, making it a go-to fruit when you’re feeling puffy and bloated. One large grapefruit runs you just 120 calories and, since you eat the flesh one segment at a time, it automatically helps you slow down your pace of eating. Plus, it’s low in sugar and loaded with vitamin C and lycopene, two antioxidants that may help protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays (in conjunction with SPF sunscreen, of course)..

Frozen Grapes

Frozen Grapes


At only 80 calories per cup, frozen grapes are a delicious way to satisfy a sweet tooth without packing on the pounds. To capitalize on all the health perks, choose the red and purple varieties — they’re brimming with antioxidants that help protect your memory and boost heart health. Have a bag of frozen grapes on hand for those hot summer days — they will satisfy cravings for icy treats like sorbet and popsicles without all the added sugar!




Good hydration is essential for minimizing bloat since drinking ample amounts of flat water helps to flush excess fluid out of your system Freeze bottles to bring to the beach with you (they’ll defrost and stay chilled throughout the day) and alternate glasses of water with poolside cocktails to prevent dehydration. If you’re bored with plain old water, try jazzing it up by floating a few fruit slices or frozen fruit cubes made with 100 percent juice in your glass.


Need more slimming food ideas? Give these tasty options a try.


With swimsuit season just around the corner, bloat has become public-enemy number one. Everyday bloating can be caused by water-retention (typically from eating too many salty foods) or by overdoing it on gassy foods (think high-fiber cereals, broccoli, and brussels sprouts) that puff you up with extra air. Whatever the cause, it’s downright uncomfortable — and certainly doesn’t flatter a warm-weather wardrobe. Looking for foods that will battle the bloat and slim down your midsection? These ten foods are among your best bets.