Get your team together.
Although your primary-care physician may have been the one to order blood-glucose testing, you need a team of professionals to guide you through all of diabetes’ medical details. Ideally your team will include your primary-care physician, an endocrinologist (a hormone specialist who understands the intricacies of insulin), a registered dietitian to help you fine-tune your eating plan, an ophthalmologist (an eye specialist who can look for diabetes-related signs of damage to the retina), a podiatrist (a foot-care specialist who can help prevent complications from diabetes-related nerve damage and skin sores), and a dentist to keep periodontal disease and other infections under control.

Monitor your blood glucose levels every day

Monitor your blood-glucose levels every day.
Some people resist checking their blood-sugar levels, but daily monitoring really is the only way to know if they are under control. Foods, activity level, medications, illness, and even stress can affect blood glucose. Unless you check, you might not know whether your levels are holding steady or spiraling out of control. Ask your doctor how often you need to check — and what to do if your blood glucose readings are abnormal.