Delicata Squash  

There are so many scrumptious squash selections to choose from, including butternut, acorn and spaghetti squash. One of my favorites is a less popular pick: Delicata Squash. Named for its delicate, edible skin, the vegetable features a natural sweetness, which allows it to be used in a myriad of ways, from pureeing it into a soup to making it into Squash Mac and Cheese . You can even use it in breakfast and dessert-type dishes by roasting the velvety flesh (it caramelizes beautifully in the oven with some cinnamon) and serving with a dollop of Greek yogurt and your favorite granola. This super squash is high in beta-carotene, which acts an antioxidant to help fight inflammation in your body, as well as immune-boosting vitamin C. One delightful date with delicata and trust me, you’ll be hooked.