Daily Multivitamin
To ensure that you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals necessary for good health, consider taking a daily multivitamin. Choose a multi with iron if you’re a woman who is still menstruating. All men, and women who have stopped menstruating, should use a formulation without iron. There is no need to take megadoses — about 100 percent DV of most vitamins and minerals is sufficient. The one exception is vitamin D — look for formulas with at least 600 IU (100% DV), preferably 800 to 1000 IU.

Control Your Cholesterol: 4 Supplements to Consider – Soluble Fiber

Soluble Fiber
I recommend getting as much soluble fiber from the foods in your diet as possible, but if you can’t regularly eat five to eight servings of vegetables and fruit a day, I suggest adding a psyllium soluble-fiber supplement. Start by taking one dose (typically 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of powder) mixed with at least 8 ounces of water. You can gradually increase to two or three doses per day, if desired. Because fiber supplements can interfere with some medications, talk with your doctor before taking them. Common side effects include bloating and flatulence.