Aerobic Exercise


You probably already know that aerobic exercise (like running, brisk walking, swimming, and bike riding), helps rev up your metabolism and thus burns calories while you’re doing it. But did you know that aerobic activities also cause your metabolism to stay revved up for a period of time after exercising? With that in mind, aim for 30-plus minutes of cardiovascular activity every day (or at least five days a week).

Strength Training

Strength Training

It’s true what they say about muscle burning more calories than fat: The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn 24/7 — even when you’re sitting still! So when it comes to exercise, you’ll want to take a two prong approach: Aim for 30-plus minutes of cardiovascular activity every day (or at least five days a week) plus two to three days a week of strength-training exercise (like pushups, lunges, planks, and light weight lifting).

Eat at least 1000 calories

Eat at least 1,000 calories each day.

Your body and metabolism thrive on food. When you fast, crash diet, or restrict your intake to 1,000 calories or below, your metabolism will respond by slowing down to conserve energy. Imagine your metabolism as a blazing fire — feed the fire consistently with wood and it continues to burn at a good rate, but if you run out of wood the fire goes out. Even when you’re cutting calories to lose weight, it’s important to feed your fire and keep your metabolism at its optimal level by eating at least 1000 calories a day.

Include lean protein

Include lean protein with every meal.

Eating all types of food creates a thermic effect and will raise metabolism after consumption. However, protein results in a greater metabolic boost than carbohydrates or fats. Plus, eating an appropriate amount of protein will ensure you’re able to maintain and build muscle mass (the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism). Make sure to incorporate lean protein into every meal and get the right amount each day. How much do you need? A simple rule of thumb is 50 percent of your ideal body weight in grams. So, for example, if you want to get down to 140 pounds, aim for 70 grams of protein each day. (Note: If you’re a serious athlete you’ll need more.) The best protein sources include skinless poultry, fish and seafood, lean meat, low-fat and nonfat dairy, beans, lentils, and soy.


Want more ways to rev your weight loss engine? Check out these tips.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic Exercise


You probably already know that aerobic exercise (like running, brisk walking, swimming, and bike riding), helps rev up your metabolism and thus burns calories while you’re doing it. But did you know that aerobic activities also cause your metabolism to stay revved up for a period of time after exercising? With that in mind, aim for 30-plus minutes of cardiovascular activity every day (or at least five days a week).