Planning a trip to your local farmers’ market to load up on just-picked (and sometimes never-before-seen varieties of) produce, fragrant herbs and freshly baked breads? Before you do, check out these tips to get the most of your visit. Whether you’re looking to pick the best produce, shop seasonally or beat the crowds, these strategies will help you master the market.

Be an Early Bird

Be an Early Bird.

It’s tempting to sleep in on the weekend, but if you’re planning a trip to the market, an early arrival is essential. Many chefs source menu ingredients from local markets and are usually first to arrive for the best selection. So to get your share of the goods, try to get there as close to opening as possible. Not only will you have a plentiful selection of the best produce, but you’ll also enjoy a slower pace at the market, when vendors have more time to answer any questions. As a bonus, many market vendors sell coffee and other breakfast items for a leisurely a.m. meal. Good morning, indeed!

Embrace Imperfection

Embrace Imperfection.

Produce comes in all shapes and sizes and can sport bumps and bruises…just like people! Baldor Food’s produce expert, Produce Pat, suggests asking for the produce items that aren’t picture perfect, otherwise known as “seconds.” Because the more aesthetically pleasing products are chosen first, vendors often sell these blemished items at a discounted rate even though these passed-over picks still pack the same nutritional punch and tasty benefits as their prettier counterparts. Save cash and cut down on food waste—it’s a win-win.

Make New Friends

Make New Friends.

A major perk of shopping at a farmers’ market is the ability to chat directly with the grower. Whether you’re wondering how to prepare an unfamiliar veggie, curious about pesticide use or simply looking to build a relationship, talking to the vendor is the perfect way to learn more about your food. If you are able to strike up a friendly repertoire, try frequenting the same vendor(s) each week. This way, they can get to know your personal preferences and perhaps help source some of your favorites. Who knows, you may even make a new foodie pal.

Stick with Seasonal Picks

Stick with Seasonal Picks.

Skip over things like packaged granola, crackers or mixes, as these are the items you can easily access year-round. Instead, focus on what’s fresh. In the summer, that’s berries, melons and green beans. In the fall, try squash and kiwi. During the spring months, go for greens, cherries and artichokes. These products not only pack the most nutrition, but are also at their tastiest. Check out these charts to learn which fruits and veggies are in season.

Bulk Up.

Bulk Up.

Give yourself the green light to buy in bulk. Many farmers’ markets are open only during the warmer months, so over-buying can be a great way to ensure that you have quality produce throughout the year. Remember, frozen can be just a nutritious as fresh. Plus, when you freeze your own, you’ll be sure it’s done without added sweeteners or salt.

Use these strategies to stock up, score the freshest picks and save big. Happy shopping!

BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag).

BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag).

Confession: I often get carried away when I visit the farmers’ market—it’s hard to stop when all the offerings look and smell so deliciously fresh. While vendors typically have some type of bag available for buyers, they won’t have large bags like your local grocer. I always come prepared with my own tote or reusable bag to hold my market haul. Without a proper container, you might find yourself struggling to juggle produce instead of peacefully perusing the goods.

6 Strategies for Mastering the Farmers’ Market

Planning a trip to your local farmers’ market to load up on just-picked (and sometimes never-before-seen varieties of) produce, fragrant herbs and freshly baked breads? Before you do, check out these tips to get the most of your visit. Whether you’re looking to pick the best produce, shop seasonally or beat the crowds, these strategies will help you master the market.