Eat with your eyes

We eat with our eyes, so go out of your way to make every eating occasion special. Set your table with pretty linens and napkins. Use your fancy plates and the good silverware (why do we always stash these things in our closets anyway?!). Add garnishes, like fresh herbs, and drizzle sauce over the meal in a creative design. Elevate your beverages too: Pour sparkling water into an elegant wine or champagne glass. Or, whip up a special mocktail, like this LaCroix Pineapple Moscow Mule, and go all out with garnishes—sliced fresh fruit, a rimmed glass, and so on. Then, sip slowly with your meal to make it more of an experience. All of these steps can help enhance the meal. For bonus points, dine via candlelight. Doing so can help create a feeling of calm and happiness.