Millions of high school students across the country are anxiously preparing to take the SATs and ACTs this month — and there’s nothing like a filling, fortifying breakfast to help increase your concentration during test-time. But not all breakfasts are up to the task! Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, or a test-taker yourself, read on for the best pre-exam foods that help keep students energized, alert, and at the top of their game.

Scrambled Eggs with Whole Wheat Toast

Scrambled Eggs with Whole Wheat Toast
I love egg breakfasts for their high-protein fill power. Plenty of research shows that including protein at meals helps to improve focus and satisfy appetite, so you’ll feel full for hours (and a grumbling tummy won’t distract you from acing the test!). Enjoy the eggs with a side of whole wheat toast for high-quality carbs to nourish your noggin.

Oatmeal with Berries

Oatmeal with Berries
A warm, cozy bowl of oatmeal is a terrific source of fiber-rich, slow-burn carbohydrates that deliver a steady stream of energy for your body and brain to draw upon all morning long. Make your oats with skim or soy milk instead of water for a splash of protein, and add a handful of antioxidant-rich berries to jazz up your bowl. Blueberries are a delicious pick, or make it a colorful mix of strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Top with a sprinkle of heart-healthy, satisfying sliced almonds.

Breakfast Burrito

Breakfast Burrito
Canned beans are a versatile, time-saving breakfast staple because they’re fully cooked and ready to heat and eat. A bean and cheese burrito made with scrambled egg whites and a whole wheat tortilla makes for an A+ breakfast that’s filled with both protein and fiber — a winning combo sure to give you a burst of a.m. energy. Add a dollop of spicy salsa (or a few dashes of hot sauce) to give your burrito a kick!

Protein Smoothie

Protein Smoothie
For a fast, no-fuss breakfast option, go for a delicious fruit smoothie packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and a shot of energizing protein. In a blender, combine 3/4 cup milk (use skim, soy, or almond milk), half a banana, a cup of frozen mixed berries, 3 to 5 ice cubes, and a scoop of protein powder. Though brands vary significantly, most powders provide 20 to 25 grams of protein per scoop, which is equivalent to about three ounces of grilled chicken. Blend until smooth and frothy, and pour into a travel cup — an easy, on-the-go meal for those hectic exam-day mornings.

Protein Pancakes

Protein Pancakes
Pancakes are a family-friendly breakfast staple for a reason: Not only are they delicious, but they’re easy to whip up in a pinch. As a healthy alternative to starchy, white flapjacks, I came up with this energizing Protein Pancake recipe. It’s made with egg whites, which deliver a generous dose of high-quality protein to rev your system and fire up your brain power. The other star ingredient is fiber-rich, whole-grain oats, which provide a slow, steady stream of carbs to give you a substantial mental boost.

Yogurt Fruit Granola Parfait

Yogurt Fruit-Granola Parfait
Low-fat yogurt is a good source of protein, making it a fine foundation for a substantial pre-test breakfast. Create a colorful parfait by layering creamy yogurt with fiber-rich berries and granola (or whole-grain cereal works too). It’s a delicious, easy way to start off the day — just grab a spoon and dive right in!


Looking for even more breakfast ideas? Give these energy-boosting AM meals a try!


Millions of high school students across the country are anxiously preparing to take the SATs and ACTs this month — and there’s nothing like a filling, fortifying breakfast to help increase your concentration during test-time. But not all breakfasts are up to the task! Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, or a test-taker yourself, read on for the best pre-exam foods that help keep students energized, alert, and at the top of their game.