Eat Regularly
Anyone who skips a meal risks developing a headache, but migraine sufferers are particularly sensitive to the effects of low blood sugar. Don’t let a crazy schedule stop you from eating regularly — at least every five hours (but it is possible that you need to eat more often than that). Carry small, healthy snacks with you throughout the day to keep migraines at bay without gaining weight. Keep a food diary to help you keep track of what you eat and when.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintain a Healthy Weight
A recent study found that being overweight was linked to greater frequency and severity of migraine headaches in adults. In addition, a 2010 study found that overweight teens were more likely to report getting migraines and headaches than their peers who maintained a normal weight. Scientists are just beginning to explore possible explanations, but the relationship makes sense: Fat creates inflammation, and inflammation contributes to migraines, so it’s not a big leap to think that carrying extra body fat could make migraines worse. To help prevent migraines, lose weight if you are overweight.

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking
Smoking increases inflammation and can trigger migraines, so quitting could be a quick way to get rid of pain. If you need a more compelling reason, how about stroke? Smoking increases the risk of stroke, which should be reason enough for anyone to quit. But some types of migraine — migraine with aura — also increase the risk of stroke, even in people under age 50. Adding the smoking risk to an already increased risk can be disastrous.