Milk and Dairy

It’s not easy to figure out which foods are responsible for triggering irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, but many IBS sufferers are wary of milk and dairy. These very common culprits often wreak havoc on the digestive systems of those with IBS. If you experience discomfort after consuming dairy, steer clear of yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, ice cream, frozen yogurt, and prepared foods that contain dairy (creamy soups and sauces, mashed potatoes, pudding, and so on).

Foods High in Insoluble Fiber

Foods High in Insoluble Fiber

Some people are sensitive to foods that are very high in insoluble fiber, specifically wheat bran, high-fiber breakfast cereals, specially formulated high-fiber breads, and whole wheat pasta. Other people are extremely sensitive and react to foods with moderate amounts of insoluble fiber, such as whole grain breads and crackers, wheat germ, popcorn, bulgur, quinoa, millet, amaranth, and whole nuts and seeds.