When it comes to osteoporosis prevention and treatment, calcium is one of the most important nutrients to bone up on. Aim to get 1,000 to 1,300 mg of calcium daily from the foods you eat. The best choices for calcium include fat-free plain yogurt, fat-free or low-fat milk and cheeses, calcium-fortified tofu, soybeans, white beans, collard greens, kale, broccoli, and almonds.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D
Another critical nutrient for bone health is vitamin D. In fact, calcium relies on vitamin D to help it travel to the parts of the body that need it. Your body can make vitamin D with the help of sunlight, but in the interest of protecting your skin, you’ll want to get most of your vitamin D from food and supplements. The best sources are fatty fish including salmon, herring, mackerel, and sardines; milk (fat-free, 1% low-fat), soy milk, and yogurt; UV-treated mushrooms; and egg yolks. Because few foods are rich in vitamin D, you may need to take a supplement (or multivitamin that contains vitamin D) in order to take in 800 to 1000 IU of vitamin D daily, my personal recommendation for healthy adults.