Eat protein at every meal.


When it comes to food, think protein. Because your body uses energy to digest food, eating any type of food at all gives your metabolism a slight uptick — but the consumption of protein contributes the greatest metabolic boost when compared with carbohydrates and fat. In addition, protein can increase your metabolism by helping to maintain and build muscle mass. So be sure to include protein with every meal and snack. If you’re tired of the usual suspects — egg whites, chicken, fish — try some of the more unexpected protein choices to help liven up your menus and surprise your taste buds, such as lentils, chia seeds, tempeh, or quinoa.

Drink green tea daily

Drink green tea daily.


A recent study published in the Nutrition Journal found that green tea may be more effective at suppressing appetite than plain water. (Beverages in general help expand your belly with liquid volume so you fill up on less food.) In addition, research shows that green tea gives your metabolism a slight lift. Just don’t add sugar — it’ll counteract that calorie-burning advantage. Enjoy a cup of hot or iced green tea with breakfast, lunch, and dinner — three cups (or glasses) a day — to maximize your weight-loss efforts.

Don’t sit still

Don’t sit still.


The “fidget factor” — activities such as cleaning the house, playing an instrument, even wiggling your toes — has a cumulative effect on body weight, which some experts believe may be even more important than formal exercise in determining whether you are thin or fat. I encourage you to scrub your tub, take the stairs, and dance to your favorite tunes while you cook dinner; play with your kids, put your wastebasket at the far end of your office, and wander around when you’re talking on the phone; and just plain FIDGET whenever and wherever you can.


And here are 4 additional tips to keep your metabolism revved up throughout the day.

Shock your tongue

Shock your tongue.


Be liberal with spicy ingredients like cayenne pepper, hot sauce, jalapeños, chipotle, and hot salsa, and incorporate them into more meals: Consider adding chopped hot peppers to scrambled eggs, chicken or tuna salad, and tossed salads, or make a spicy sandwich spread by mixing a generous shot of hot sauce into hummus or low-fat mayo. Why? Research has found that adding spicy ingredients to your food can help suppress your appetite and even stoke your metabolic fire a bit. In one study, dieters who didn’t normally eat spicy foods ate a soup seasoned with cayenne pepper for lunch, resulting in them consuming 60 fewer calories at their next meal and burning an extra 10 calories. A recent study on mice might explain the calorie perks of peppers: Researchers from the University of Miami discovered that capsaicin activated a certain type of fat cell, referred to as brown fat cells, to burn the type that stores energy (called white fat cells). Sure, it’s a small amount, but over time it adds up!

Get keen on cardio

Get keen on cardio.


You probably already know that aerobic exercise (like running, brisk walking, swimming, and bike riding) increases many different metabolic processes (like your heart rate), all of which burn through extra calories. But did you know that aerobic activities also keep your metabolism humming at a higher speed for hours after exercising? I recommend doing some form of aerobic activity for 30-plus minutes at least four or five days each week. And if you can find a way to squeeze in cardio every day, even better!

Build more muscle

Build more muscle.


It’s true what they say about muscle burning more calories than fat: Muscle is about three times more metabolically active than fat tissue, so by increasing lean muscle, you’ll burn more calories 24/7 (even when you’re sitting still!). Strength-training exercises, like lifting weights or doing crunches, lunges, squats, or planks will build up your muscle mass, so aim to do about 15 minutes of strength-training two to three times a week, in addition to plenty of cardio.

Keep eating

Keep eating.


Even when you’re cutting calories to lose weight, it’s important to feed your fire and keep your metabolism at its optimal level by eating at least 1,000 calories a day. Your body and metabolism thrive on food, so when you fast, crash diet, or restrict your intake to below 1,000 calories, your metabolism will respond by sloooowing down to conserve energy. Imagine your metabolism as a blazing fire: Feed the fire continually with wood and it will keep burning at a good rate, but if you run out of wood, the fire goes out. I recommend eating a meal or snack every four to five hours to properly fuel your metabolism and keep it burning all day long.

Change your routine

Change your routine.


If you’ve been working out for a while and the numbers on the scale won’t budge, it’s probably time to switch up your routine — perhaps you and your body are simply becoming bored with the same old program. Vary your food choices, browse for healthy recipes online, try a new restaurant, or modify your exercise program. Sometimes little changes are just enough to recharge your body and propel you out of a rut.

Skip processed, go whole

Skip processed, go whole.


Whole foods — think vegetables, fruits, and whole grains — require your body to work harder during digestion than processed foods like sugary snacks and refined “white” starch. That means your metabolism gets a significant boost when you eat meals containing foods in their natural state. When researchers gave participants either a “whole-foods meal” (whole-grain bread with cheddar cheese) or a “processed-food meal” (white bread with processed cheese slices) containing the same number of calories, those who ate the whole-foods meal burned about 50% more calories digesting their sandwich. To cash in on this metabolic advantage, eat a clean diet that focuses on fresh produce, lean proteins, and whole grains, while minimizing the refined junk like sugary cereals, white breads and pasta, white rice, chips, and cookies. You’ll accelerate your weight loss simply by changing the foods that you eat, even if your total number of daily calories remains the same.

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated


Water is necessary to maintain a healthy metabolism. In fact, about 60% of your body is water; so you must stay hydrated to function efficiently. How much water is enough? According to the Institute of Medicine, the requirement for the average woman is nine cups of fluids per day. For men, it bumps up to 13 cups. Very athletic individuals and people who live in super-hot climates require even more. Sounds like a lot, but rest assured, it adds up quickly — and although water is your best bet, all fluids count (including the milk in your cereal, as well as coffee and tea).

Go to bed earlier

Go to bed earlier.


Research has shown that sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on your ability to lose weight. The major players in this snooze-lose link are two hormones: leptin and ghrelin. Lack of z’s results in lower levels of the appetite-suppressing leptin and higher levels of the appetite-boosting ghrelin. Compounding this hormonal glitch is the simple fact that when we sleep less, we have more opportunities to eat. Also, when we’re tired from lack of sleep, we have less resolve to fight cravings and mindless munching. The obvious solution to this problem is to get more sleep — aim for at least seven hours a night. And before you say “impossible,” think about this: One study showed that the difference in the amount of shut-eye between obese subjects and slim ones was about two hours a week — that’s only 17 minutes more sleep per night!

Eat protein at every meal.

Eat protein at every meal.


When it comes to food, think protein. Because your body uses energy to digest food, eating any type of food at all gives your metabolism a slight uptick — but the consumption of protein contributes the greatest metabolic boost when compared with carbohydrates and fat. In addition, protein can increase your metabolism by helping to maintain and build muscle mass. So be sure to include protein with every meal and snack. If you’re tired of the usual suspects — egg whites, chicken, fish — try some of the more unexpected protein choices to help liven up your menus and surprise your taste buds, such as lentils, chia seeds, tempeh, or quinoa.