Peanuts are a great source of healthy unsaturated fats, which can help reduce cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease. They’re also loaded with protein, which can help you feel satiated.

If you enjoy Asian- and Thai-inspired dishes, add a handful of peanuts to stir-fries or use peanut butter to make a nutty sauce for satays. You can also sprinkle peanuts over oatmeal, cereal and tossed salads or try them in my Energizing Snack Mix with popcorn and roasted edamame.

As for peanut butter, you won’t believe how creative you can get. I use creamy peanut butter in a variety of kid-friendly breakfasts, like PB-Banana Waffles and PBJ French Toast, a melt-in-your-mouth mash-up of the classic sandwich and breakfast treat. Finally, if you ever want to switch up your spread for fresh fruit and celery sticks, try my Maple-Cinnamon Peanut Butter Dip—it’ll make snack time a whole lot sweeter!