Healthy food is the key to a good mood

Hearing your body's signals will give you a powerful tool for managing your weight and keeping your entire body healthy. What and when we eat - along with water quality (and quantity) - is the most fundamental basis for our health. It's not just what foods we choose to eat, but when and how we eat that's fundamental. Knowing how to hear your body's signals will give you a powerful tool for managing your weight and keeping your entire body healthy.

It's really quite simple:

  1. Tune in to your body.
  2. Practice mindfulness.
  3. Enjoy your food.

We should eat when we are hungry. A seemingly obvious fact, but one that is very easy to miss in today's world. Hunger is the willingness to eat a lot of any edible food (think of the proverbial stale piece of black bread). The triggers that awaken the appetite - a cookie on an employee's desk, an attractive label on a candy bar, the enticing aroma of a fast-food outlet - often have nothing to do with hunger. If you listen to yourself, you'll find that you're anxious/bored/not having anything else at hand/for company tastes better/your own choice.
Before mindlessly emptying the fridge, stop. Ask yourself if you are really hungry. Maybe you're trying to distract yourself or are thirsty. Learn to listen to your body and live in harmony with it. Let food bring pleasure and satiation, not guilt after an unplanned cheat meal. You can try taking notes, keeping track of when and what you eat and drawing conclusions, or vice versa, try sticking to a new plan. Either way, you should understand that food is the foundation of your health and it's never too late to start forming good habits. It's not as difficult as it sounds.

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Adhere to a regimen

To avoid unhealthy snacks and unwanted meals, plan your diet. Ideally, if every day you know at what time and what you will eat. It is desirable to do without snacks at all, two dense meals a day - a great system, which will also keep you from eating "bad" foods. You will quickly see that only healthy food and nutritious meals give you strength, well-being and satiety for a long time.
Maybe, having eaten sweet cottage cheese in the morning, in an hour you will be ready to eat an elephant, and delaying the morning meal closer to lunch and eating a full meal, you almost to the evening will not be hungry and clearly eat a more balanced meal - otherwise, again, until dinner you will not live and will be occupied only with thoughts of what to gnaw. Limit the number of meals to 2-3 (coffee with milk and just a single cookie counts too!) and everything will fall into place.

Learn to understand hunger

Listen to yourself, don't let yourself collapse if you've decided to skip breakfast, but you're not ready for it or you haven't yet reached a therapist and don't know about your health status and possible contraindications for such experiments. There is no universal dietary system, take care of your body and choose the optimal eating pattern. Also take into account the fact that often thirst masks hunger, drink a lot and give preference to water.

Don't play along with your dopamine. Learn to ignore the urge "I wish I could eat a croissant - how good would it taste?" - no, it won't, the sugar and floury calorie bomb will give you nothing but lethargy. There must not be any "here's the end of this difficult piece of report and then just run into a makakak, I have to please myself with something" - the brain works so that you get a sense of relief and satisfaction for the work done in any case, encourage yourself to harmful food is not worth it.

Create the right rituals

Eating should be a meal, not an accompaniment to a conversation, entertainment, or an attempt to satisfy hunger on the run. Avoid snacking on the go, eating at the computer or while watching a movie. Multitasking is good for thinking tasks, but not for eating. By distracting yourself from eating, you are likely to eat more and not at all what you should. Chew carefully, take your time, and take your time with your meals.
