- Joy Bauer - https://joybauer.com -

Potato Chips

Nutrition Facts
Amount per Serving
  • Calories: 60
  • Protein: 2 g
  • Total Fat: 0 g
    • Unsaturated Fat: 0 g
    • Saturated Fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 13 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 1 g
  • Total Sugar: 1 g
    • Natural Sugar: 1 g
    • Added Sugar: 0 g
  • Sodium: 0 mg

Experiencing a craving for crunchy chips? Skip the greasy, bagged stuff and whip up your own healthful version at home. In this recipe, I use classic white potato, but you can easily swap in any root vegetable or use a colorful combo. The key is low, slow heat (and some patience) to allow them to crisp up perfectly. Set the timer and then read a book, do some knitting or catch up on a show while they bake. The end result is perfectly crunchy chips that provide a dose of fiber, vitamins, minerals and loads of yummy flavor.

  • Prep time
  • Total Time
This recipe makes about 4 servings
  • • 2 medium to large white Russet potatoes*
  • • Salt to taste

*You can swap in sweet potatoes or parsnips.


Scrub potatoes and pat dry. Slice potato into thin chips; you can use a mandolin slicer to get uniform slices or cut by hand into ⅛- to 1/16 -inch-thick rounds. Soak slices in cold water for about 20 minutes; this will help get achieve a nice crispy chip at the end.

Preheat oven to 300˚. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or liberally coat a baking sheet with nonstick oil spray. Place slices on prepared baking sheet in a single layer (don’t let them overlap), mist tops with oil spray and sprinkle on salt.

Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes or until chips are browned and crispy. Depending on the thickness of your chips, you may have to cook them longer (up to 80 minutes for thicker slices). Just keep checking and testing for crispy perfection.

Try my Kale Chips.